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The Beam guns
Beam Weapons
The new weapons derived from Minovsky physics are
referred to by the generic term "beam weapons." There
are actually two distinct varieties of beam weapons - one
that uses regular Minovsky particles, and another that
employs the mega particles formed by fusing positive and
negative Minovsky particles. As beam weapons continue
to evolve, the technology is used to produce defensive
devices and even propulsion systems.
The Mega Particle Cannon
The ubiquitous mega particle cannon - variously referred
to as the beam cannon, beam gun, mega beam cannon,
ad nauseum - is the standard armament of the Gundam
world's warships and mobile armors. This weapon fires a
focused beam of massive, high-velocity mega particles,
which cannot be deflected by magnetic fields and tears
through any conventional armor material.
To create the mega particles, a cannon-toting vehicle
must first gather Minovsky particles from the vehicle's
fusion reactor. The Minovsky particles are collected in a
device called an energy condenser, where they are
compressed in a high-density I-field until they fuse into
mega particles. The performance of the mega particle
cannon is thus limited by the reactor's ability to produce
Minovsky particles.
Though it quickly becomes the standard armament of
space warships, the mega particle cannon's high-energy
requirements and the sheer bulk of the energy condenser
at first preclude its use in mobile suits. The Duchy of
Zeon's MS-05 Zaku and MS-06 Zaku II are thus armed
with conventional projectile and missile weapons, rather
than beam weapons.
The Beam Rifle
In order to work around the mega particle cannon's
energy demands, the Earth Federal Forces develop the
E-cap (a contraction of "energy capacitor"). This device
stores Minovsky particles in a high-energy compressed
state, so that only a small amount of additional energy is
required to trigger their fusion into mega particles. The
E-cap is charged by energy condensers at the mobile
suit's home base or carrier ship, and then functions like a
battery until its supply of particles is exhausted, at which
point the weapon becomes useless. During the
One-Year War, the Federal Forces perfect the E-cap
and use it to create a miniaturized mega particle cannon
called a beam rifle, with which their first prototype
mobile suits are equipped.
The limited capacity of the E-cap proves to be a
significant shortcoming. The RX-78 Gundam, for
example, can only fire about 15 shots from its beam rifle
before exhausting the E-cap's supply. Shortly after the
end of the war, the beam rifle is further refined to use a
removable E-cap module called an E-pack. A mobile
suit equipped with spare E-packs can thus swap them in
during a battle to replenish its beam rifle's particle supply.
Mega Particle Cannon Variants
The basic principles of the mega particle cannon and
beam rifle are employed by a long list of spin-offs. Here
are a few variations on this weapon design... The
self-sufficient mega bazooka launcher used by the
MSN-00100 Type 100 combines a powerful mega
particle cannon with a dedicated reactor. The mega
bazooka launcher even has its own thruster system,
making it independently mobile - the only thing it needs
the mobile suit for is aiming.
The FXA-08R Mega Rider, a development of the mega
bazooka launcher which also serves as a support craft
for transporting mobile suits, has its own cockpit so that
it can be operated independently. Meanwhile, the
MSZ-006 Z Gundam's hyper mega launcher is a
scaled-down version of the mega bazooka launcher.
Lacking its own propulsion system, the mega launcher
must be carried by the mobile suit.
The MSA-010 ZZ Gundam's hyper mega particle
cannon is a powerful built-in mega particle cannon,
powered by the mobile suit's own reactors. Its mega
particles are produced by a highly compact mega
condenser. However, firing the weapon depletes the ZZ
Gundam's energy reserves, rendering it powerless and
The beam smartgun used by the MSA-0011 S Gundam
and MSZ-006C1 Z Plus is likewise powered by the
mobile suit's reactor. The frame structure that connects
the beam smartgun to the mobile suit serves as a conduit
for both energy and sensor data, making the weapon
highly accurate.
The Variable Speed Beam Rifle or VSBR, a new type of
beam weapon introduced around UC 0120 and first
installed in the F90-V and F91 Gundams, lets the pilot
change the velocity of the emitted mega particles. A slow
beam produces increased raw damage over a wider
area, while a fast beam yields higher penetration - in this
mode; it is capable of piercing a beam shield! Despite
the "beam rifle" nomenclature, the VSBR is actually
connected directly to the mobile suit's reactor. It's
typically integrated into the mobile suit's movable frame
structure, and is equipped with apogee motors to
increase the mobile suit's maneuverability.
The beam launcher, or beam bazooka, is another
application of this speed-control technology. This
bazooka-like weapon, powered by an ordinary E-pack
rather than by the mobile suit's reactor, fires
slow-moving mega particles for increased damage. It is
introduced simultaneously as an optional weapon for the
F90III-Y Cluster Gundam, F91 Gundam and XM-07
Vigna Ghina, and later becomes a fairly common
weapon. At the same time, the RX-99 Neo Gundam and
its Generative Beam Rifle Device, or G-BRD, are
introduced. This VSBR-like weapon is powered by its
own built-in reactor and includes supplemental thrusters,
enabling it to serve as a booster for the Neo Gundam's
core fighter.
The mega beam rifle used by the LM312V04 V
Gundam and LM314V21 V2 Gundam, and the mega
beam cannon wielded by the ZMT-S29 Zanneck, are
later applications of the VSBR's mega particle
acceleration technology. The Zanneck's cannon, capable
of firing on ground targets from the stratosphere, is likely
the most powerful weapon ever wielded by a mobile
The Beam Saber
Unlike the beam weapons discussed above, the beam
saber does not use mega particles. Instead, it emits
high-energy Minovsky particles to form a blade-shaped
I-field, and then fills this I-field shell with superheated
plasma to produce a lethally effective cutting blade. The
Minovsky particles are stored by E-cap in the beam
saber's hilt, which is recharged by the mobile suit's
reactor when the saber is returned to its socket. Thus,
once activated, beam sabers do not rely on the mobile
suit's reactor and can be thrown or discarded as decoys
(as demonstrated in Gundam 0083).
As the beam saber's I-field enclosure repels plasma, it
not only keeps the blade's contents in but also keeps
other blades' contents out, allowing one beam saber to
block another. And, since the I-field can be formed into
a variety of simple shapes, it's pretty trivial to create
exotic variants like the beam tomahawk, beam sword,
beam sword/ax, beam fan, beam mace, beam cutter and
beam tonfa - glorified beam sabers, all. Here are a
couple of less trivial spin-offs...
The beam jitte attached to the RX-78GP01 Gundam's
beam rifle is a specialized beam saber designed to catch
enemy beam sabers, allowing the Gundam to ward off
enemy blades on those occasions when there isn't time to
draw its own full-sized beam saber. The whimsical beam
flag used by the Crossbone Vanguard's command
mobile suits is strictly for show. This uses beam saber
technology to generate a customized symbol so that
squadron leaders can be easily identified by their
The Beam Shield
The first defensive application of beam saber technology
is the beam barrier projected by the RX-93 Nu
Gundam's fin funnels. This barrier creates a geometric
shell around the mobile suit, with a fin funnel at each
vertex and planes of energy akin to beam saber blades
forming the surfaces of the shell. Unlike the classic I-field
barrier, this beam barrier deflects physical attacks and
missiles as well as beam weapons. It can, however, be
collapsed by a sufficiently powerful attack.
By about UC 0120, the decreased size and increased
power output of modern mobile suits make it possible to
use a simplified version of this barrier on all mobile suits.
This beam shield is composed of a simple plane of
energy, radiating from a central generator unit, which can
be used like a physical shield to deflect enemy attacks.
Since the edges of the beam shield are as deadly as a
beam saber blade, the mobile suit's computer
automatically deactivates sections of the shield that
would otherwise lop off the mobile suit's own limbs.
Though it's limited to a single direction - and, like its
beam barrier ancestor, can be collapsed by a powerful
attack - the beam shield's lower energy requirements and
effectiveness against every type of weapon make it a
perfectly satisfactory alternative to the I-field barrier. By
about UC 0150, even some warships are equipped with
beam shields.
The mega beam shield wielded by the LM314V24 V2
Assault Gundam is a throwback of sorts to the Nu
Gundam's beam barrier. In addition to a central
generator unit, it uses three remote-controlled barrier bits
to form the vertices of an oversized beam shield.
Beam Weapons as Propulsion Systems
The sophisticated technology of the beam shield is
eventually applied to create a combined defensive device
and propulsion system. The beam rotor, developed by
the Zanscare Empire around UC 0150, generates a
shield using spinning beam blades rather than a solid
plane of energy. As a side effect, the rotating blades
create lift in exactly the same fashion as a helicopter. This
allows a beam rotor-equipped mobile suit to fly through
the air without expending its finite propellant supply,
while using just a fraction of the power required by a
Minovsky craft system.
A far more advanced use of beam weapon technology is
the V2 Gundam's incredible Minovsky drive system.
Much like the ion drive contemplated by real-world
physicists, this system uses the particle-acceleration
technology introduced by the VSBR to boost Minovsky
particles to relativistic speed. Now moving at a
substantial fraction of the speed of light, the accelerated
particles are redirected by an external I-field to create up
to 20 gees of thrust in the desired direction. The "wings
of light" generated by the V2 Gundam's Minovsky drive
units can also function as giant beam sabers or beam
shields, and can be extended up to a kilometer in length!
The Taurus
Your just about half way and i will be continuoslyy adding to this part of my site, so this is the end of the rest stop and here we go... |
The Zero System
In Gundam Wing, a device has been used to enhance the
pilot's ability, giving them psychic ability. This device was
named the ZERO System, in which its inventors, the 5
Gundam scientists, claimed, "should have never been
This device works on the basic principle of integrating
the pilot's brain waves with the actual mobile suit. All
information that are detected by the system's sensors are
immediately transmitted to the pilot's brain directly. It
bypasses the normal human receptors of sight, sounds,
taste & smell, and touch, sending information straight to
the brain. Furthermore, any information or thoughts that
the pilot is contemplating or pondering about will also be
detected by the ZERO System. The system will then
analyze and edit these "thoughts" and transmit the
"thoughts" back to the pilot's brain within nanoseconds.
Thus, the reaction-time of the pilot is almost down to
zero, as the system has become his "eyes and ears" so to
speak. The neuro-sensory-system of the pilot will be
stimulated and his combat skills increases exponentially.
The ZERO System was installed into 2 mobile suits only:
The Wing Gundam ZERO & Gundam Epyon
The ZERO System also have some dangerous side
effects. The ZERO System places immense mental
burden onto the pilot's brain. The average pilot can not
cope with this pressure, and their brain will suffer from
information overload, inducing them to lose sanity.
The ZERO System has another even more dangerous
side effect. As mentioned before, the ZERO System
tracks down all enemy targets and feed them directly into
the pilot's mind. Furthermore, it will also analyze any
thoughts that the pilot have in his mind. Thus, if there are
no physical targets nearby, the ZERO System will
continue to search for potential enemies, anything that
lurks within the pilot's brain (anything that slightly annoys
him or have doubt about) will be interpreted by the
system as an "enemy". The system will then edit this
information and transmit it back into the pilot's brain
immediately. Now a simple idea or thought has turned
into a "real enemy" in the pilot's mind, and he will not
stop until that "enemy" is destroyed. Once that has been
done, the process restarts again and the pilot will find his
next "enemy". Therefore, the danger with the ZERO
System is that it causes the pilot to see anything that is
remotely threatening, or anything that makes him angry,
as his enemies... inducing him into a continual killing
spree until the pilot goes comatose or dies from
information overload.
Only Heero Yuy, and the eventual owner of the Wing
ZERO was able to master this system successfully.
Miliardo Peacecraft was also able to control it to an